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Tank floor inspection using magnetic flux leakage (MFL)


Tank floor inspection using magnetic flux leakage (MFL)

Magnetic Flux Leakage Version (MFL-3D)
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) is a non-destructive method using magnetism that is used to detect corrosion, pitting and thickness reduction in steel structures.
The magnetic flux leakage (MFL) method is commonly used to inspect tank bottoms in the petrochemical industry. Tank floor corrosion can lead to product loss and damage to the environment. Therefore, tank floor inspections are necessary to prevent such problems.
The MFL method provides a quick and cost-effective inspection of tank bottoms. Our qualified MFL inspectors have years of experience in the field. We use MFL equipment such as Floormap VS2i and Floormap 3D. This method uses permanent or electromagnetic magnets to magnetize the bottom of the tank and the changes in the created magnetic field are recorded and analyzed.If there is corrosion, pitting, or loss of thickness, the magnetic field detects a “leak” and this “leak” is analyzed to determine the location and severity of the tank floor defect, both near and far. With the MFL method, a map of the corroded areas is provided where this critical data can be stored for future reference and planning.
A tank’s metal floor can take a lot of effort to inspect and maintain compared to its initial cost. This is due to the difficulty in detecting tank floor corrosion, especially in its lower part. This problem can lead to the gradual loss of the product and damage to the environment, and ultimately reduce profits





Advantages of tank floor inspection using the MFL method
• Accurate and reliable detection of corrosion growth
• Using magnetic flux leakage to inspect the bottom of surface storage tanks with flat bottoms
• Maximum coverage, including critical areas
• High resolution to increase the probability of detection (POD)
• Use of multiple technologies to differentiate between high and low level defects





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