In this meeting, Messrs. Masoud Daneshmand, Chairman of the Transport Commission of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines of Iran, Hamid Amini Pashandi, a member of the Board of Directors of the Iran Inspection and Audit Association, Peyman Shah Owaisi, CEO of Pajhwok Plateau Inspection Company, Dr. Irfan Lajurdi, a legal expert of Mahname, and Dr. Fariborz, Chairman of the Board of Experts of the Transport Industry Magazine, presented their views.Experts believe that the National Organization of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, although it has good laws, but it has not been able to perform well in terms of implementation. Undoubtedly, the management and supervision of a large amount of production, import and export in the vast land of Iran cannot be expected from a government organization alone, therefore, considering the appropriate tools at its disposal and the experiences of developed countries to monitor the entry of the right goods into the consumer market, there is a serious criticism that due to the inefficient mechanisms of the expert and specialized body of the country, it has not been able to shoulder this serious responsibility. and these days, low-quality goods – both Iranian and foreign – are the concern of consumers. Examining this issue, along with the state of the goods inspection system in the country, is the subject of the expert meeting of this issue of the monthly magazine of the transportation industry.In this meeting, Messrs. Masoud Daneshmand, Chairman of the Transport Commission of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines of Iran, Hamid Amini Pashandi, a member of the Board of Directors of the Iran Inspection and Audit Association, Peyman Shah Owaisi, CEO of Pajhwok Plateau Inspection Company, Dr. Irfan Lajurdi, a legal expert of Mahname, and Dr. Fariborz, Chairman of the Board of Experts of the Transport Industry Magazine, presented their views. Despite the invitation and follow-up of the monthly for the presence of the representative of the National Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran, the representative of this institute did not attend this meeting. Since many of the ambiguities raised come back to the structure and functioning of this institution, the monthly leaves open space for them to answer.
Fariborz, Chairman of Dana: We can look at the issue of standard goods inspection from different dimensions. Entering the standard arena is a necessity to facilitate trade and develop economic activities.We can look at this issue from another angle and that is the welfare of consumers and people. In my opinion, the definition of economics can be summed up in “the science of people’s happiness and well-being”, which is the enjoyment of job and material security. The standard is not the starting point of production, but it is the people’s desire for healthy production, standardized production, and supervised production. Controlled production is a process in which corruption and pollution and the use of substances that endanger people’s health are not envisaged. In the healthy production process, human rights are not violated. It is necessary for different job groups to be able to participate in the production process, freer and free from pressure and oppression.
Unfortunately, despite the invitation of the transportation industry monthly, the officials of Standard Institute did not come to this meeting. They were informed dozens of times that their presence in this meeting is enlightening and very important.I would like to ask you to write my words in this publication, if they had a defensible answer, they would have come. Fariborz, president of Dana, says that you are sitting in a position where it is necessary to monitor the main issue of production, i.e. “consumer welfare”; Your failure to respond to public opinion means that you have chosen to cover up. Otherwise, you should be accountable to social activists, journalists, scientists, theorists and researchers, lawyers. The fact that they did not come confirmed that they are one of the causes of problems in the quality issue. It has been said that this institution is not deficient in terms of standard regulations and is weak in implementation. I remember a speech by Dr. Mossadegh.That honorable man said: A society and government gives rations to a gunner for 30 years and is obliged to fire a cannon when there is a war. “Gentlemen at the Standard Institute should be responsible for what the quality manager does? Has anyone stopped you? It was a power that you bowed down to because of expediency. Have the regulations ever been the factor preventing the entry or production of low-quality goods, and were they allowed to be consumed for political reasons? What were these Chinese trucks, some people have obtained permission to import them and they caused accidents on the roads due to weak brakes? Who is responsible for these disasters? What is the story of this milk, cheese and palm oil? What is this polluted air that you have created? What is the standard institute’s response to these deficiencies? In any case, the standard institute is one of the main causes of trouble in the inspection and standard of goods.Now, in this meeting, one side of the matter, the goods inspectors, are present, who are interested in opening the way for more scientific monitoring to improve the quality, and the other side, which is the main issue, is not present!
The society and the economy have come to the conclusion that monitoring the trade and production process is necessary to be realized by efficient experts. As an economist who considers myself obliged to take the side of the consumer and the more deprived people, the welfare of the consumer depends entirely on the fact that the product, at least, matches the specifications provided to the consumer. The consumer should know what the specifications on the product are for. have the necessary economic abilities to buy it. Maybe somewhere they consider a high standard for the product, but the consumer cannot afford it. These factors are related to each other. So the task of monitoring and inspection devices is to match these things together.The custodian of the standard may not be responsible for creating jobs and money, but these inspection bodies, which are independent, private, or related to the public sector, give the consumer the knowledge to familiarize themselves with the standards. In this way, the task of the standard minimum that must be observed for people’s health, hygiene and safety is both the formulation of regulations and implementation. Editing that has nothing to do. All standards are foreign and translated. It is the principle of implementation that we have been unable to do in society.
The standard institute will not go anywhere with this mechanism
Massoud Daneshmand: I want to approach the issue from another angle. Why couldn’t we have an acceptable production all these years so that domestic people and foreign buyers can trust Iranian products? With these conditions and uncertainty about domestic production, which market can we conquer? The domestic market does not trust us.You are willing to buy very simple goods such as Korean and Malaysian refrigerators, but you are not willing to buy Iranian goods. why because we have a bitter experience; What they offer is not what it should be. What is the task of the standard institute that is supposed to do this and the seal of the standard bridge, assurance and guarantee between the producer and the consumer? Do we trust the standard seal on the package? Do we pay attention to the difference between a product that has a standard and one that does not? The mark does not add any added value to the product to attract the consumer to buy the product that has the standard seal. But the standard institute takes money to give this mark.Now let’s see what are the steps to get this badge? They bring standards from abroad and translate them, and parts of them are removed, and then they call them national standards! For example, a company that makes tuna fish has a recipe. Where and how is it monitored and inspected to see if it is what it should be in the production stage? It is not clear at all!
We will not get anywhere with this way of working. I think we should go back and analyze the standard from the beginning. The standard institution is a headquarters institution and should not be executive. Human factors affect decision making. Unfortunately, we do not have it in the country. We approve the law in the parliament; The law is elegant and excellent, but monitoring is not implemented. When we reach a dead end, we take another bill to the parliament. Where in the world does its parliament enact so many laws that we are enacting.Our standard is the same, it is a headquarters, laboratory work and testing should be important.
yes Standard is a headquarters institution and it formulates rules and regulations. from anywhere and those who must implement it and in case of failures must pay damages to the consumer in return for implementation. Both in goods and services.
The market is driven by the consumer and the producer must adapt himself to the consumer’s taste and so on. The consumer has the first and last word. Inspection companies should be placed between the consumer and the standard institution. In order to be able to conquer global markets and build a brand, it is necessary to gain the confidence of the market first and to have strict supervision in all stages of production so that the consumer can trust it. Because we have not done this properly, we are constantly losing the market. We have become disposable all over the world.They buy goods from us once and will not buy from us again. We had the market of Central Asia and we lost these markets with bad products and standard seal on it. Today, the Afghan market has been lost and we are gradually losing the Iraqi market as well, and according to the statistics of our exports, the volume of exports is decreasing month by month and six months by six months. Iraqi Kurdistan is at least the easiest way to supply and pass its goods from Iran, but Turkish goods are mostly in the market there. Because our goods were not the same.
The standard institute will definitely not go anywhere with this mechanism that it has now. We have not received the national duty that we have assigned to it and the cost that the government pays to this institution from the nation’s treasury so that we can benefit from it, and we will not receive it in this way.It is necessary for the standard institution to have the role of headquarters and compiler and leave other duties to independent inspection companies to complete the monitoring work and pay damages wherever it is proven wrong. If we implement this procedure, many failures will be solved.
lack of familiarity in the product inspection system
Hamid Amini: When I started this work thirty years ago, the inspection had a different situation. There was no standard institute or place to get permission from. But the quality of work was much better. The quality of the few companies that were working at that time was much higher. After twenty years, when I returned to Iran, I saw that the inspection system has been turned upside down and the training of professional inspectors has not been carried out much. And they do not value the specialization of the checkpoint.
The goods are either imported or exported, and a large part of the import and export is carried out by ship.The ship first enters the port and the inspector must know both the port and the ship well. In Bandar Abbas, we have seen people who are ship inspectors who have never had a maritime experience and have no knowledge of port equipment. This is despite the fact that knowledge of port equipment is one of the specialties of inspection. Therefore, in the audit and inspection community in the new management period, we have set the foundation to have control over the inspectors, and the effort is focused on this so that if we can, the standard organization will accept the inspectors to pass the filter of the inspection community where a series of experts are sitting. Look, we are the only country in the world where a government inspection interferes in private work! It is not like this in the world. It should be in every part