Classification institutions are absent in the standardization of accommodation centers
Inspection and classification institutes operate as the executive arms of the Standard and Industrial Research Institute in the country. How active are rating agencies in the hotel industry? To what extent can inspection institutions play a role in the standardization of hotels to improve the quality level and raise the country’s tourism position?We asked the opinion of Peyman Shah Owaisi, CEO of Pajhwok Plateau Inspection Company; In response to the question of Mahnameh Safar reporter, he said: Inspection institutions can supervise the work of hotels through the application of standard rules, but currently there is no such role. According to the law, Mr. Peyman Shah Owaisi considered the National Standards Organization to be the only official authority that determines the qualifications of all institutions and companies under its portfolio.Shah Owaisi considered the current problem in the implementation of laws to be formulated and not to guarantee the implementation of laws by the National Standards Organization. The compiled rules are available as a complete and detailed set, but they are not yet mandatory. Among the thousands of laws that are expected to be strictly implemented, only those that play with the health of the society are forced, and this makes hotels to see the least supervision on their work, which can lead to a drop in the quality level of services.Shah Owaisi added that some hotels, who see their level and service provision as high, request the organization to formulate and apply rules governing their collection, but these policies and rules are only applied as an incentive and there is no definite and mandatory rules in this matter.
The Managing Director of Pajhwok Plateau Inspection Company described the role of inspection institutions as very important to improve the quality of hospitality industry services and added: The way out of such a situation is the advancement of the Tourism Trustee Organization as an influential weight on the tourism industry and her request for the development of standards by the National Standards Organization.
In an interview in the same context, Mr. Khosrow Kermani, a standard expert and the former director of legal affairs of the National Standard Organization, identified the weakness in the lack of a firm requirement to comply with the standard and the lack of proper implementation of the rules by hoteliers and added that it is necessary for the service providers to comply with the requirements and in case of non-compliance, the organization should cancel their license.He considered the creation of a suitable platform for welcoming foreign tourists to the country’s tourist attractions as one of the country’s goals and suggested that to facilitate such a goal, the standard institutions themselves should raise the flag by requesting the implementation of mandatory standard rules. Samani placed Iran in the category of countries whose laws in the field of standards are higher than the level of the international standards organization, and if the same laws are applied, the quality level of services is equal to countries such as America and Sweden.
She added that now that whispers of compliance of institutions to comply with the laws and also the implementation of laws by the National Standards Organization are being heard with more seriousness, as an expert in this field, I suggest that the laws be approved by the National Standards Organization and the guarantee of its implementation by the Cultural Heritage Organization of the country.If all aspects of the country’s standardization system, including the public and private sectors, cooperate, we can easily raise the quality level of our services and, as a result, open the country’s tourism doors to foreign tourists with confidence.